Dr. Maat has worked tirelessly through illness, pain, and without pay to help paratransit riders and the general disability community, and research Green Paratransit. Now she needs your help. See videos on YouTube and donation link below:
video of Dr. Maat by Sy Bounds – Real need to examine solar energy for transit
for PWDs
video of Dr. Maat by Sy Bounds – Appeal to GEM Motors, Center for Neighborhood
Technology for customized, accessible solar-powered or electric car for PWDs,
Boomers, seniors – stimulate the local economy
Please like our page on facebook at National Paratransit
People's Movement Assembly and send comments to our blogs or facebook. I look
forward to your donations and your suggestions and attendance at our
rally(ies). Thank you. Move forward with me and help this worthy cause. - Maat