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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Green Think Tank Teleconference Sat. Sept. 25, 2010

Next teleconference Sat. Sept. 25 3-3:45 pm CST 712-432-6131 PIN 100453# We discuss and develop workgroup projects that make lives of persons who are disabled more sustainable or provide green jobs or businesses. Moderated by Dr. Ayo Maat. Call me Maat (mah as in Mama and ott as in otter)

Top Ten Green Needs of persons who are disabled: 1. Green sustainable living, income, healthcare, employment 2. Funding of Sustainable projects, including the Soular Car Project and Green Paratransit by private entities preferably 3. Ownership of Green Paratransit 4. Accessible streets in every major city 5. Accessible restrooms and entrances in public buildings with privacy in resttoom stalls and entrances without barriers 6. Accessible green housing cooperatives 7. More political candidates and elected officials who are disabled and visible 8. Carbon-free, chemical-free cosmetics, health supplies 9. Green housing maintenance, lawn maintenance, landscaping, and pest control 10. Public awareness, training of public servants, doctors, media reps that handicapped and wheelchair-bound are not proper descriptions for persons who are disabled. Determine feasibility and recommend funding of green projects that persons who are disabled control singly, as a group, or with persons who are non-disabled. Soular Car Project is a project of the Green Paratransit Think Tank. Members are encouraged to recommend funding for green product ideas, product testing for persons who are disabled and seniors. Some product ideas already proposed are: rider-owned Green Paratransit, solar-powered 4-passemger wheelchair, solar-powered wheelchairs, solar-powered kitchen appliances and durable medical equipment, green housing coops, accessible green resource training centers with overnight facilities, accessible veganic urban farms, and green auto dealerships and insurance agencies run as home-based businesses, green repair shops, medical info and final arrangements (after death), on flash drive wrist bracelets, and evening, holiday and weekend solar-powered wheelchair repair and rental franchises. Consideration is given for Baby Boomers may develop age-related disability in the future. Please RSVP to teleconference at and visit the site Comments, design ideas, funding ideas, grantwriters, inventors, product developers, persons who are disabled, ideas for adaptive technology always welcome.

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